A wise man once said that if you don’t build your brand then you’re just another product. And if you’re just another product then you’ll lose out to the lowest price provider. Don’t you hate it when that happens?
Email Media is a unique digital marketing solution from Rocketseed that turns your entire workforce and your biggest form of daily communication (1-to-1 employee emails) into a targeted marketing, sales & customer service champion with interactive sales campaigns inside every email, and deep reporting in the background.
In this blog post I am going to share 5 ways that our clients use email media in every employee email to generate more sales, increase engagement and customer revenue:
1. Philip them!
As Mr. Kotler rightly put it, build your brand so that you aren’t just another product or another supplier. Start by making every email communication from every employee reinforce and bolster your brand, your offering, your difference, every day. Get noticed. Create more selling opportunities. And get your company in the door more often.
#emailmedia stat – City of Tshwane convert close on 1,000,000 emails a month into brand impressions that hit their target audience: the community, stakeholders, partners, suppliers, etc.
2. Drive new and more engagement
Each Email Signature Marketing campaign is clickable, giving the recipient instant access to engage more on your website and consume your content. Target your campaigns according to important prospects, top clients, cross-sell to low spenders, schedule seasonal messages, and more. Basically, extend your sales strategy across the whole organization and improve every step of your entire sales cycle.
#emailmedia stat – General Motors achieved a staggering 25% click-through rate on their “Hot New Spark” campaign that included a TV commercial YouTube link.
3. Know immediately who’s interested
Email Media sends you instant alerts when customers or prospects click on your campaigns. Your employees can then reach out immediately to close the hot sales leads, know exactly how to respond to what the customer is interested in, and sell at the right time – when they are interested.
#emailmedia stat – Digicape report Rocketseed as the #2 source of traffic to their website helping them increase ecommerce sales.
4. Build a customer fortress
Knowledge is key. Why do you think Facebook acquired Instagram or WhatsApp? They couldn’t develop their own? Why did Microsoft buy out Skype? Data! Email Media helps you gather key customer and prospect data every day – their interests, their location, history of all engagements, who clicks on what/when/where. Know your customers better.
#emailmedia stat – ER24 organically grew their newsletter database by 10,900 new subscribers within 3 months, and boosted their readership by 21%.
5. Freedom to sell sexy, or suave. You decide
Email Media is unlimited – your brand, your look-n-feel, unlimited creativity, unlimited campaigns, unlimited data. Get creative to entice more clicks yet at the same time ensure one company message is being delivered.
#emailmedia stat – McCarthy Group have clever customized campaigns for each brand/dealership and integrate rich content like mobile app downloads, social media links and customer service surveys.
The power of email media helps you make every email count.
Happy Rocketseeding!