Did you know…the average employee sends up to 105 emails per day!
With ‘email branding’ – using interactive banners and signatures on everyday email NOT bulk marketing email – every one of those emails can tick the ‘boxes’ that build your brand, namely creativity, consistency and control, giving your brand not just profile but promotion and protection.
But how can everyday ‘email branding’ deliver real engagement? Here’s how…
1 – Always open to creative ideas
Unlike hard-sell bulk email, everyday business emails are always opened – well, 99% of them –an open rate that bulk emailers can only dream of! And with creative and engaging branding achieving click-through rates of over 15%, you’ve engaged a big audience already.
2 – Right on Message, Right on Target, Right on Time
Email banners, on every email can become part of a campaign – Keep messages relevant and apply automated behavioural targeting to recipients based on their previous engagement.
3 – Keeping Customers…and Keeping Them Happy
Ask your customers to rate your service in a single click on an email banner and automatically trigger appropriate follow-up. Excellent ratings can be directed to customer feedback sites such as Trip Advisor to boost positive reviews whilst any negatives can immediately alerted to action a speedy follow up.
4 – Always on the Alert for Sales
Recipient interaction with your email branding can be integrated directly with contacts in your Salesforce CRM. Engagement can also generate real-time alerts notifying your sales team of potential leads for follow up.
5 – Live RSS for the latest content (Include your Twitter feed)
If it’s your blog or social media feed that you want to promote, insert the latest content dynamically into a banner or signature – it’s as simple as it sounds.
6 – The Links Effect
You don’t have to link your email branding to a url – get creative with links to a pre-populated email response, brochure download, pod casts and most popular…video content!
7 – Get the measure
Reporting helps you learn more about your audience and who you are emailing as a business. Check out who within your team communicates with your top accounts to target future campaigns for upsell/cross sell.
So, there we are, real brand engagement from everyday email that you already send! To make it happen, contact Rocketseed to organise a demo.