We’d be very surprised – and slightly worried if sorting out your email signature was at the top of your New Year resolutions list.
But once you’ve started your new fad diet, joined the gym (and maybe even gone there), and booked the Italian language lessons, spare a thought for your email signature.
Is it getting a bit stale, a bit ‘same old same old’? After all, it’s probably seen you through thousands of ‘send’s’ and now deserves a service – part mechanical MOT, part magical make over to look its best, run smoothly, and deliver some real results for your business in the busy year ahead.
Here’s how to spot the signs…
Looking a bit out of shape?
Is your email signature carrying a bit of extra weight? Maybe cramming in too many contact details (when was the last time you got a fax?) or bloated by the blank fields from a tired template. Customise your email signature design to keep your contact details clean and your layout lean. By removing any unused fields, we ensure your signatures are perfectly personalised and meet best-practice email signature design guidelines.
Feeling tired?
How long has that promotion been on your signature marketing banner? Too long. Anyone who was interested would have signed up by now. Time for some creative marketing – and not a one-off promo this time but make it a campaign. What you need is an email signature provider who tailors your banner messages to your target recipients, makes updates easy and offers proactive marketing planning as part of their service.
Seeming a bit off colour?
Is your signature enhancing your email? If it’s going to build your brand it needs to make an immediate impact. After all, your email message is there in black and white so shouldn’t your signature contain some colour if it’s going to stand out? Simply updating your email signature with some colour from your brand palette is the perfect quick fix but make sure your designer understands your brand (that’s why we work so closely with our clients) – and doesn’t go colourway crazy!
Displaying antisocial behaviour?
Is your signature scared of starting conversations? Then it’s time to sort out your social icons. Your email signature can be a key part of your social media marketing (SMM) strategy and the most cost effective way to kick-off a conversation. Make sure your signature’s not missing any icons from your actively-managed social platforms and see which are attracting the most traffic via your signature – Rocketseed analytics will give you all the answers.
Not getting any action?
Email signature not been clicked for months? An eye-catching call-to-action (CTA) is the marketing ‘must-have’. Clear, concise and compelling, the perfect call to action combines colour, copy and clickability. It’s the key to click through and conversion, especially when Rocketseed’s real time click alerts are sent straight to your sales team.
Having mobility issues?
Has anyone pointed out to you that your signature doesn’t always travel well? That when your emails are opened on a smartphone, your email signature doesn’t look quite so, well, smart? With 60% of all emails now opened on smartphones you need to check that your carefully-designed branding doesn’t get mangled on mobiles, so you need a provider who continually tests on all devices – just like we do.
Getting out of control?
From the mildly mischievous to the downright malicious, are you aware that your employees might be meddling with their business email signatures? You need to proactively protect your brand and your business. As Rocketseed applies email signatures at server level they’re totally tamper-proof and put you – the guardian of the company’s email signatures – in complete centralised control!
Is your email signature showing some (or all) of these signs? Then speak to Rocketseed about our email signature service.
We’re real people you can have a real conversation with, contact us to see how our service can make your email signature the best it can be. It’s what we do!