As a blogger, words are your craft, so you need to make sure that every aspect of your professional correspondence is optimized, including your email signature.
While you may not think that your chosen email signature will have much effect on your overall number of followers and the number of leads you generate, you will be surprised at just how helpful it can be in looking professional, engaging readers and taking your blogging business to the next level.
Take a look at our tried and tested blogger email signatures examples below and discover how you can capitalize on your signature and drive growth in your blog’s audience.
What should you include in your blogger email signature?
At the very least, your professional blogger email signature should include the following information:
- Your full name
- Your specific job title – including what your area of expertise is
- Your company name
- Either a headshot or company logo
- A link to your website
- Social media links – ideally in the form of icons
- Your email address

Blogger email signature examples
As briefly mentioned above, your email signature can be used for so much more than just a way to get in touch with you. In fact, when managed correctly, it can be a highly effective marketing tool in its own right.
Check out the below blogger email signature ideas and see how you can improve your email signature and generate more leads for your blogging business.
Personal Blog Email Signature Example:

Company Blog Email Signature Example:

Email signature ideas to generate blog traffic
Add a call to action
A call to action (CTA), simply refers to the inclusion of something that will encourage users to click on a link and start their journey towards becoming a loyal customer, a regular reader of your blog and an avid follower of your brand.
After all, How many times have you created a high-quality blog post only to be disappointed by its number of views? While having great content is important, it is not always enough to get you noticed, especially if you are a relatively small fish in a big pond.
By simply including a clear ‘Read my blog’ or ‘Read my latest blog post’ within your professional email signature, you will be surprised at just how many more people click through your content.
A CTA within your email signature can take many forms, such as a button, banner (see point 6) or even a promotional video.
Include content hooks
As a blogger, you most likely have to work tirelessly to come up with fresh and exciting ideas for content. However, what is the point of all this hard work if not many people are reading your blogs?
Make a connection with your email audience by adding contact hooks such as asking questions, creating a fear of missing out (FOMO) or promise that your latest blog post will help them achieve their goals – all you need to do is pique their interest enough to get them clicking through.
The beauty of a content hook within your email signature is that you don’t have to carry out any heavy promotion, as this marketing method is purely passive.
Use a readable font
If you haven’t given much thought to the font you use within your blogger email signature, then now is the time to do so. While you may think that, as a creative, you should use a fancy font with an element of flair, it is actually a much better idea to stick to easy-to-read fonts that are instantly recognizable.
Fonts to choose from include Arial, Verdana, Times New Roman and Courier. To find out more check out this article on the best fonts to use in your email signatures.
Add social media icons
As a blogger, you know better than most how important social media is to the success of your business. Therefore, you need to ensure that you include clickable icons within your email signature. Not only will this help you to increase your following by reaching a wider audience, but it can also enable you to get more brand recognition.
Make sure that each icon directly links to your social media profile, and don’t be afraid to include all social media platforms.
Use a headshot to get ahead
If you want people to connect with you as a blogger, you need to enable them to put a face to your name. The simplest way to do this is by including a headshot in your email signature. Make sure that the image you choose is professional, no pictures of you on a beach with a cocktail in hand (unless you’re a travel or leisure blogger), and that it is in color, as these tend to be more noticeable than black and white photographs.
Add a top email banner
Adding an email signature banner at the bottom of your email gives you the opportunity to visually promote your blog with your best imagery as well as a clear, clickable call-to-action.
But why wait till the end of your email. With Rocketseed you can add email marketing banners to the top of every email, giving your blog immediate impact and driving extra engagement. In fact, the ‘Blog Booster’ is just one of our 33 Great Email Signature Banner Examples and, with compelling headline copy and a clear call to action, is a surefire way to drive traffic to your blog content.
Track signature traffic to your blog
Want to see how effective your email signature and banners are at turning recipients into blog readers? Then ensure that your signature software lets you track every engagement. Rocketseed – with its advanced reporting and analytics – makes this simple and also integrates with Google Analytics. This means you can see exactly who’s clicking your email signature calls-to-action and landing on your blog as well as their dwell time, bounce rate and other key blog performance metrics. The insights you’ll gain will help you refine your signature for even greater success.
Do you need help creating the perfect blogger email signature? Here at Rocketseed, our team of professional designers are standing by to help you build an email signature that guarantees results.