Less is more. It may be true of modernist architecture and perfume etiquette but marketing? How can brand profile be raised and potential customers engaged when resources are tight? Is ‘through everyday email’ the answer?
‘Practicing what we preach’
Given that Rocketseed is a tool that pushes content and pulls engagement through everyday email, we decided that, for our first-quarter campaign, we would put our own platform firmly to the test.
The brief was simple: ‘Use our proprietary tech, experience and creativity to deliver a 3-month campaign to produce increases in brand profile, engagement and sales leads that are both significant and measurable. To be achieved only through Rocketseed’s own platform with social media support, with created content to be recyclable for further iterations down the line.’
‘Too many cooks’?
When you combine a team of marketers with a team of software engineers the results are always going to be interesting, but what everyone agreed on was the need to understand the psychology behind a strong call to action, in effect, what makes us click? So we focused our creative on strong ‘call to action’ banners on our own everyday email, driving engagement through banner colour, button shape and size and, most importantly, compelling copy.
‘Better to give than to receive’
But we also wanted the campaign to be something more and to give something back. With this in mind we created ‘Marketing Fuel’, a nice little content give away for Twitter highlighting industry relevant pieces that blog visitors, social followers and clients could use for their own platforms – our little give-back to the small business owners or marketers in the tricky position of having to feed the content-hungry channels they use to drive traffic to their websites and hope for conversions.
The campaign was delivered in two weeks: Designed Rocketseed banners on all our everyday email; blog content; social posts and free multi-placed blog posts. Top job!
‘The proof of the pudding’
How did it deliver? We ended up having one of the highest read blog pieces on the DMA UK home page, multiple leads of which a number have now converted, engagement levels at 24% on our banners, several enquiries from our clients regarding ‘Marketing Fuel’ and most importantly, positive feedback. In addition, the campaign lasted three months and acted as a beacon for social helping us with content creation.
Importantly, the campaign has focused the whole team on marketing the Rocketseed brand and generating prospects as well as creating the perfect platform for our customer service-focused Q2 campaign to build on.
‘Less is more’?
Well, it certainly looks like it can be. We focused on less, limited the channels, ensured the results were measured, and exceeded our expectations. Click here and let our expert team help you to do the same.