So I’ve worked at Rocketseed for almost 6 months now… and what a time to be starting an email signature software sales job!
3 weeks in – just when I’d learned the secrets of email signature success, got my desk exactly how I like it and found the best local coffee shop – Covid strikes! Suddenly I’m a remote-working Rocketseeder, sitting at home (occasionally in my PJ’s – guilty!), the business world changing by the minute, and my email signature sales targets looking like a very tall order. Am I up to the challenge? I hope so. I really hope so.
Email signatures through fresh eyes
Now, if this little blog post sounds a bit ‘salesy’, what can I say… it’s my job! But I like to think it’s an honest view from someone who’s relatively new to Rocketseed, with fresh eyes on a pretty awesome email signature solution.
After all – I’ll admit it – before I came onboard at Rocketseed, I didn’t know much about email signature management. It had never registered on my radar. You work for a company, you apply your name, title, and contact number to your own emails and you’re off to the races, right?
Wrong. Very wrong…
My new email signature mantra
Suddenly at Rocketseed, I’m working in a world of intriguing email signature expressions, soon to become my new mantra – ‘Consistent company-wide branding’, ‘Make every email a new marketing channel’, ‘Centralised control for complete compliance’. I can’t help but think back to when I worked at a private event space and later at a non-profit art organisation. How brilliant would it have been to have supercharged our email back then with eye-catching, interactive signatures and banners, highlighting all our services, linking directly to our donations page, and driving tons of new traffic to our website and social channels. It would have made our marketing budget go so much further too (not to mention lowering the blood pressure of our stressed-out IT support guy! Hope he’s OK).
OK, so I get it now. I’m not so much selling email signatures as I’m simply showing clients how to unlock the power of every business email their employees are sending, giving them email brand consistency, extra customer engagement, complete compliance and central control. But despite this epiphany, I still keep asking myself the same, simple question. ‘How do you sell email signatures during a pandemic?’ In fact, how do you sell anything apart from hand sanitiser and face masks during a pandemic?
Am I in for a surprise…?

Get consistent. Get compliant… and stop herding cats
Contrary to what I’m expecting, the emails keep coming, the phone keeps ringing and my target prospects keep taking my calls. Suddenly everyday business email is big news and, with all their employees now working from home, both IT and Marketing managers are realising that making sure their employees are all on-brand and compliant on email can be like herding cats.
Thankfully, we’ve just published a couple of pieces – Email signature marketing for crisis management: A complete guide and 7 ways your email signatures can meet the challenges of remote working – and it doesn’t take too many conversations for me to realise that these answer the questions that I’m now being asked.
‘My team are all working remotely now, how do I keep them all on-brand?’
‘Can I keep track of how many branded emails they’re sending… without being too ‘Big Brother’?’
‘How quickly can I change banner messaging to keep on top of the crisis?’
‘Can I brand internal emails too so I can keep my staff engaged with training updates?’
And in the last couple of weeks…
‘OK, how do I get my emails set up to help drive recovery, even with my decimated marketing budget?’
Thankfully, I have the answers (and if you read those articles, you will too).
Seeing email signatures differently
So much has changed since I started.
Businesses have woken up to the significance of email signatures.
With their Sales, Customer Service, Business Development and Executive Teams working remotely (possibly in their PJ’s too!), more than ever they need to convey a united, professional brand image to their customers, suppliers, investors and colleagues. They also need an agile, cost-effective marketing channel to engage all their stakeholders with rapidly changing messaging that will also be vital in helping their businesses get back on track.
I’ve drunk the Kool-aid, and now want to show everyone how simple, but powerful an email signature solution like Rocketseed can be for their business.