At the foot of every email that Santa sends each Yule
There’s an interactive signature he thinks is really cool.
To maximise his ‘Santa’ brand it’s more than just his name
It’s packed with bells and whistles – and yours could be the same.
Emblazoned on a ground of red, his name shines out so bright
Beside a photo of himself with bushy beard of white.
Embedded social icons keep his fans all up to speed
With his Pinterest board, his Facebook page and, of course, his Twitter feed.
Designed by Rocketseed to drive engagement for St. Nick,
He receives alerts at rocket speed reporting every click.
He even controls the signatures of all his busy elves,
Automatically mischief-proofed so they can’t change them themselves.
And there’s one more vital feature makes his signature so nice,
It works on every platform and displays on each device.
From the laptop in his workshop to the tablet in his sleigh
And even on his smartphone down a chimney far away.
We’ve lots of famous global clients just like Santa Claus
And for a special signature, we’d love to help with yours.
So get in touch for all the email branding help you need
And a very Merry Christmas from us all at Rocketseed.