No matter the size of a company, excellent customer service should be a number one priority. Especially when statistics suggest a 60% profit increase from those who receive outstanding customer service.
It’s one of those topics businesses talk about, but often have little insight in to what their customers really think. Although, I wasn’t shy about making it clear to Nestle…
After 27¾ years of searching, I tweeted Nestle my excitement of finally discovering a SOLID chocolate KitKat…yes that’s right, no wafer, all chocolate! As much as I was showing off, I was looking forward to a reply or retweet at the most. A couple of hours later, the reply I eagerly awaited asked for my postal address. Intrigued and convinced free chocolate was heading my way, I wasted no time in replying.
5 days later, I received a personalised letter in the post, congratulating me on my find; “1 solid ‘chocolate bar’ slips through every 3.5 million bars produced” accompanied by a Nestle coupon. Good old 1-to-1 personalised communication has earnt Nestle customer loyalty for life, from one very happy chocolate lover.
Consumers won’t always be as willing as me to shout about experiences, so how do we measure satisfaction levels to benchmark and improve our customer’s experience?
It’s suggested feedback surveys offer the best and most accurate way to measure customer satisfaction. However, completing 10 question surveys, from every other supplier is at the bottom of that ever growing to-do list right? Bulk mail, Tweets and Facebook posts all have their role but there’s no medium with greater impact for customer care than the 1-to-1, personalized email.
I’m making it my mission to measure my customer’s satisfaction using my everyday email channel over the next 4 weeks. I will encourage my customers to rate my service with one click via an interactive email banner. If you want to join me on my journey and find out what your customers think of you, please contact me today. Let’s do this!
What will it be for your customers, buy or bye??