Difficulties our clients have in using everyday email for branding and signatures and how Rocketseed helps them
We pride ourselves on the service that we give to our customers and we aim to grow our product offering off the back of customer feedback. In the essence of listening to our customers, we thought we would bring a 3 part mini-series to our blog, helping readers understand some technical and security questions that we face daily.
Queries range from implementation through to the most minute detail you can imagine! However, as always our customers’ needs vary, across email branding, signatures or newsletters….we accommodate the best we can. If you have questions of your own, feel free to contact us!
Q1. Can Rocketseed help me with everyday email branding and is it safe?
There are two parts to this question, and the first is a nice and simple YES! We eat breath and sleep email branding and this is the crux of our product offering.
Our company motto is “Our world is email”, therefore it is in our best interests to ensure that emails are delivered quickly, efficiently and consistently branded, otherwise we would be out of business!
In summary:
- Monitoring & penetration testing tools (such as Zabbix & BURP) ensure that all emails that pass through our relays to the correct destination in the shortest possible time ensuring server health and scanning.
- We only allow authenticated clients to access our systems and can quickly feedback any digital health issues that our clients are having, sometimes they aren’t even aware!
- From the IT department’s perspective, Rocketseed is helpful as we constantly check that emails are being processed and delivered efficiently, one less thing for them to worry about!
Q2. Is Rocketseed affected by spam barriers? And how does the technical aspect help me?
We love this question! No. Our email branding improves the legitimacy of such messages when it comes to recipient spam filters and so we help to eliminate false positives.
‘Email branding’ when applied along with other techniques, ensures that messages are always delivered into the recipients Inbox as intended. A huge help for businesses.
Q3. Should I worry about hosting? What are the implications of cloud versus hosted and security?
A3. We try to apply as much flexibility for our clients as possible, by hosting within our own private cloud and also behind our clients firewalls, we have a hosting mechanism to suit all needs.
Our existing clients periodically run penetration tests against us for assurance purposes and best practice, reinforcing the security and integrity we demonstrate. We always welcome and encourage such tests.
In summary, systems security is a large topic in itself and one that we hold as an absolute priority. We monitor all the relevant security announcements and have several server hardening techniques that form part of our standard build process for our customers. For additional measure, we maintain our own software repository to ensure that all systems are patched with the same versions of each software package to guarantee resilience.