Explore our video library featuring expert insights, product demos, and best practices for email signature management and one-to-one email marketing at scale.
With such an established brand and an all-year events calendar, Keith Prowse presents the ideal opportunity to utilise Rocketseed’s full functionality to achieve exceptional audience engagement through their everyday email branding.
Konica Minolta Business Solutions Australia is a market leading provider of integrated solutions. Watch their video Case Study to find out how they used Rocketseed Email Media to drive 25% of their website traffic.....
Rocketseed Email Media drove more traffic to Bendigo and Adelaide Banks website, than any other channel. Bendigo and Adelaide Bank Limited is one of Australia’s great banking success stories, with its unique locally owned Bendigo Bank Community Banks....
“Rocketseed email media gives us a way to promote our products and measure sales uplift. A sale worth £150,000 was achieved through the Rocketseed banner...." Tony Ash, Managing Director of VITRA
Rocketseed delivers Email Media software solution for Bendigo and Adelaide Bank. Like all financial institutions, Bendigo and Adelaide Bank treats security with paramount importance. All operational aspects are thoroughly reviewed under strictest.......
J&M Marketing Communications introduces itself with both classic and trendy marketing. J&M provides both Mad Men-style strategic advertising and 21st Century custom websites, for its clients. Since we have clients that we not only don't - but can't call on, because......
ATNS realised the potential of an email media audience which was not included in their standard marketing strategy. This opened a whole new opportunity for them to have direct and personal access to market services...
Digicape required a powerful interactive tool to communicate with their audience and encourage them to visit their website to look at online products and other offerings. Self-management was key...
GM had a Rocketseed template designed for their “Hot New Spark” launch campaign. This comprised of a top email banner linking to the website, integrated TV commercials via YouTube video content, and social media connections inside every signature, sparking an increased 23% click through rate.....
ETTA chose Rocketseed email media to help them align their brand and marketing in all emails sent by employees in their organisation. In particular ETTA wanted to benefit from Rocketseed’s smart segmentation tool, which enables them to differentiat....
Nashua Mobile wanted their brand on every communication and on every medium. They wanted to promote and sell more product/service and thus increase sales and profits. Every business email showcased their brand and carried effective marketing messages
Channel 5 use Rocketseed branding to promote the Big Brother launch and boost viewing figures. Each month Channel 5 employees send an average of 90,000 branded employee emails across the company to external contacts promoting their latest popular program times and....
London Irish have been branding their emails with Rocketseed, since 2009, promoting the sale of season tickets and driving visitors to the ticket sales page of their website for the purchase of tickets for individual club games....
Harith General Partners required an effective communication solution to manage event updates and extend invitation to relevant delegates. An event banner campaign was activated with call-to-actions to RSVP & more info about the event, capture details in RocketMailer…
“Rocketseed enables us to deliver consistent and targeted campaigns to our customers, it’s easy for us to cross-promote services and properties. We’re now looking more at..." Iain Richards, Marketing Director
Lurot Brand has been using Rocketseed since 2009 to make their emails work harder for them. By inserting banners with strong visuals and branding messages, Lurot can highlight their properties, demonstrate their own value proposition, and enable customers to click directly to their website....
Carton House used Rocketseed interactive banners on their everyday email to launch the campaign. These banners were included in every email sent by every employee creating consistent communication of this promotion, and clicked directly through to their campaign....
The RockeSeed solution was chosen as it enabled SDG to deliver a strong marketing message and call to action, with the specific objective of driving traffic to a dedicated landing page. This banner creative was applied to all emails sent from a controlled group of senders to a targeted.....
The Rocketseed solutions continue to reward us on a daily basis. In a corporate world driven by email, we now have the ability to stand out in our clients’ crowded inbox's and tell them things they didn’t even know they wanted to know about us; all just as a part of our everyday communication.....
“We’ve found Rocketseed an ‘easy to use’ and professional service, which not only makes our emails look good but also helps us increase bookings and manage guest feedback...” GM/ Hotel Manager
The Vineyard Hotel’s objective was to drive bookings during traditionally ‘slow’ periods of the year, route traffic to the website, accurately track campaign performance, and communicate new developments at the hotel and special offers...
"I have found Rocketseed and RocketMailer to be a fantastic tool for my business. It enabled me to communicate to my prospects and attendees easily with a professional looking newsletter, quicker and cheaper than producing my usual direct mail....
Being in the consultancy business means that StrategicFusion’s brand and image are key. For StrategicFusion it is essential to get to a face-to-face meeting as quickly as possible with potential customers. Anything that enables this, or speeds up the....
The University of Stellenbosch Business School had a specific requirement for a stable, self-managed email signature tool, which was not only easy to use but cost effective. Highlighting valuable information via everyday one-to-one emails...
Rees Pollock often competes with much larger accountancy firms and therefore needs to differentiate itself against organisations that have considerably greater marketing resources. In keeping with its innovative approach, Rees Pollock saw....
Sarova Hotels took the opportunity to split-test their Rocketseed banners to gauge the response and ensure maximum click through rates on their banners throughout the run up to Christmas. Three different messages were tested to see how each banner would perform. As Christmas is a critical time for hotels.....
Cardinal Insurance needed to implement an innovative solution that would monitor customer service levels across the organisation and respond in real time. All customer facing services and support staff had a banner applied to every outbound email...
“Working with Rocketseed gives my company great branding on every message and enables me to both target my marketing spend accurately and react expediently to......." Paul Reynolds, Capella Shutters
Rocketseed drove over 80 times more click-through's per impression for British Red Cross than the equivalent web campaign. Additionally, click-through rates to key website pages were up to 4x times greater than......
What distinguished Rocketseed email branding from other service providers was the easy, efficient and rapid delivery of the solution, key for a large organisation such as the British Red Cross. BRC staff send hundreds of thousands of emails every year....
Adcorp Talent Resourcing wanted to create an electronic platform from which consistent messaging on its brand could be communicated, as well as any new developments. They had approx 4,000 hits to their website since starting...
“Rocketseed helped us achieve sign-ups and we were really happy with the results. The number of clicks to sign-up gave us a fantastic ROI and it’s helped to integrate our....."
Cannizaro House increases sales by using Rocketseed for everyday email branding since August 2010 to by promoting their offers, events, and strengthening their brand image. The synergy between the strong messages and eye catching designs....