Email Signature ‘How To’ Guides
Create professional email signatures on various platforms with our easy to use ‘How to’ guides.
How to set up an Android Email Signature
A step-by-step guide
If you have an Android smartphone and regularly send emails, you need to learn how to put an email signature on an Android phone.
Simply follow the below steps, and it will not only look professional but will actively improve your email engagement and reflect positively on your company’s overall brand image.

How to set up a Samsung Email Signature
A step-by-step guide
If you want to look professional when sending an email from your Samsung device, you need to learn how to put an email signature on a Samsung phone.
Simply follow the below steps, and it will not only look professional but will actively improve your email engagement and reflect positively on your company’s overall brand image.

How to create a professional email signature for G Suite
A step-by-step guide
Looking to create a professional, personalised Gmail signature? Our simple Rocketseed expert step-by-step guide will show you how to: Create an email signature for G Suite, add an email signature for G Suite and edit an email signature for G Suite.
Simply follow these steps for a professional email signature for G Suite signature.

How to create a professional email signature for Microsoft 365 (formerly Office 365)
A step-by-step guide
Looking to create a professional, personalised Microsoft 365 signature? Our simple Rocketseed expert step-by-step guide will show you how to: Create an email signature for Microsoft 365.
Simply follow these steps for a professional email signature for Microsoft 365 (formerly Office 365) signature.