dx5 successfully leveraged Rocketseed to seamlessly roll out their new email signature across the entire business and secured attendee registrations for their awards event using an engaging email banner campaign.

The Client – dx5
In 2022 media house, online and print magazine publisher CIO Africa merged with The Rebel Element to create a stakeholder engagement agency called dx5, focused on facilitating digital transformation (dx) across the African continent. dx5 believe there are 5 pivotal stakeholder groups who ultimately enable digital transformation in any given business, these include internal teams, customers, suppliers and partners, external community and shareholders. dx5 are in the business of connection, created through meaningful business relationships between these 5 stakeholder groups to accelerate enterprise and government growth.
Based in Kenya and South Africa but operating across the continent, the company achieves this connection by providing and creating meaningful platforms that expedite sustainable engagement between the enterprise, government and technology providers, which in turn accelerates digital transformation.
The Challenge
dx5 had two main challenges to meet. Firstly, they needed new email signatures for all staff in line with the new branding and they wanted to create and implement the new signature roll-out simply and quickly.
Secondly, dx5 wanted to run effective email signature marketing campaigns, with the aim of using interactive email banners to promote specific events and initiatives. One key event to promote in this way was the dx100 Digital Transformation Symposium & Awards which was held on 23rd – 25th November 2022.
The Solutions
CIO Africa has been a Rocketseed client since 2020, using the Campaign email signature marketing product, enjoying the benefits of Rocketseed’s managed email signatures and the engagement achieved from running email banner campaigns.
With this experience, dx5 were able to design their new company signature to include their new brand logo, strapline – “Connect. Engage. Transform.” – and all the interactive elements they required. Rocketseed then built the new signature on the platform for dx5 to roll out across their business.

The new signature also makes full use of Rocketseed’s email disclaimer functionality to give extra legal protection to the dx5 brand and help enforce email confidentiality and privacy.
The dx5 brand is also protected by all staff email signatures being tamper-proof and managed centrally using Rocketseed, ensuring company-wide brand consistency.
To promote the dx100 Awards event, dx5 ran an eye-catching, interactive banner campaign at the top of their team’s everyday business email. As well as showcasing the event and the re-brand, most importantly the banner featured a prominent ‘Register Today!’ call-to-action button, making it easy for recipients to click-through to the event’s attendee registration page to submit their details.

The Results
Between 18 October and 25 November, the dx100 Awards registration campaign generated 159 recipient clicks and resulted in 49 attendee registrations – a conversion rate of 30.8%.
dx5 says…
“Rocketseed brings a dynamic element to any marketing strategy, being able to personalise every single signature banner in real-time is huge for driving awareness and action related to different projects, teams, brands and/or initiatives in a business. It’s a simple-to-use marketing medium which is effective and impactful and adds a fresh interface to ‘business-as-usual’ email engagement.”
Kelly Bentley | Co-Founder & Group CEO | dx5
Want to start promoting your events and driving attendee registration in every employee email? See how we can help.
Rocketseed 14- day free trial is available to companies with more than 50 users on email.