Based in Texas, Ker & Downey is a leading travel design company dedicated to crafting individually-inspired travel experiences. Engaging their clients through personal discussion, Ker & Downey’s team of expert luxury travel consultants partner with them to design the ultimate journey itinerary – inspiring, stress-free and a unique reflection of the individual traveller.
The Brief
Ker & Downey contacted Rocketseed seeking an email signature platform to help with their digital marketing campaigns. They had found their previous signature software (a competitor of Rocketseed) unable to meet their evolving requirements, especially the ability to run multiple campaigns simultaneously.
The brief to Rocketseed was therefore not only to produce impactful branded email signatures of which Ker & Downey could be proud but also – more importantly – to ensure that multiple email banner campaigns could be run simultaneously, promoting multiple packages and services for several destinations, with new campaigns easily created as and when required.
The Solution
Using Rocketseed Campaign Ker & Downey can now upload as many banner campaigns as they like, automating them with scheduled start and end dates as well as running them in rotation, setting priority for each banner from ‘standard’ to ‘override’.
Following their Rocketseed training session, Ker & Downey were easily able to centrally control their campaigns using the Rocketseed interface, create their own interactive banners, and assign them right away. Also, by allocating their staff to different Rocketseed user groups, they can segment email banner campaigns by sender group, as well as by target audience. This way, sales and marketing staff’s emails can feature campaigns promoting new packages and seasonal destinations while administrators’ email banner campaigns can link to customer information such as last-minute travel advice reminders and flight updates.
The Result
Because Ker & Downey know their audience so well, they now create and run multiple campaigns with Rocketseed Campaign, targeting specific traveller segments, focusing on specific exotic destinations, seasons, travel trends or featuring staff recommendations. The following examples show just how effective and engaging, these banner campaigns have been to date…

With their fantastic imagery, Ker & Downey’s banner campaigns are able to engage recipients intrigued by new cultural destinations around the world. The latest Latin America in 2019 banner appeared on 7,937 emails, with 1,483 of those emails being to unique recipients. This banner has enjoyed a 14.1% engagement rate so far.

If there was a person to trust when it comes to travelling, it would be someone who makes it their profession to know where to go and what to experience and enjoy when there. Ker & Downey staff members put together their favourite places and promoted them with this Favourite Trips campaign. This banner was added to 13,431 emails, reaching 2,103 unique recipients, and received a 15% engagement rate.
“Rocketseed has brought our emails to life and has allowed us to engage with clients, partners, and potential travelers with a more targeted approach to marketing. Having the option to update and schedule banners quickly and efficiently allows us to change strategies as often as the trends in the travel industry change. The team at Rocketseed has been a huge support system for us and are always available for direction when we need them.”
Amy Willis | Graphic Designer