The Tourism Business increases attendance and online bookings with RocketMailer newsletters
The Tourism Business organise events in the hospitality, travel and leisure sectors.
Client Understanding
In February 2011, The 6th National Hotel Marketing Conference was held at the Royal Horse guards Hotel in London (also a Rocketseed client). 11 speakers provided marketing advice to 150 delegates from Hotel and Leisure businesses around the UK. In March 2011, The Tourism Business organised ‘Screen Tourism 2011, The London International Film & TV Tourism Conference’. Over 100 delegates attended the Conference held at BAFTA’s London HQ, and heard 12 speakers deliver insights and case studies to this important tourism sector.
The Tourism Business started using Rocketseed every day email solution in December to help promote events their business and events. The Tourism Business has been using RocketMailer to deliver online bookings and raise awareness of the events they were running alongside Rocketseed in their everyday email. The Tourism Business had not previously used newsletter software so wanted a tool that was easy to use and gave professional looking results. The newsletters allowed The Tourism Business to give quick and regular updates, for example when the Speakers were announced, and follow this information with any additions to the line-up or when more news was announced.
RocketMailer self-serve reporting showed that the newsletters achieved open rates of up to 24% with click through rates (CTR’s) of up to 13%. The ‘book now’ links incorporated in the newsletter allowed people to instantly book their event tickets, which also dramatically decreased administration costs for The Tourism Business. RocketMailer also enabled The Tourism Business to easily manage their email lists and automatically record any bounces, unsubscribes or additions to the list. This removed the necessity of staff having to spend time (and money) to gather all the results manually and thus removed any room for error in the collation of the information.
“I have found Rocketseed and RocketMailer to be a fantastic tool for my business. It enabled me to communicate to my prospects and attendees easily with a professional looking newsletter, quicker and cheaper than producing my usual direct mail piece! Using RocketMailer analytics also helped me to maximise attendance to make it the most successful conference we have done yet, and will help improve our communications even more for next year”.