“150 room enquiries in a month”. The Vineyard Hotel increases bookings via Rocketseed branded email
Vine Yard Hotel & Spa is an independent 4 star deluxe hotel situated in a leafy suburb of Cape Town. It boasts two restaurants, an extensive fine wine cellar and excellent health and leisure facilities, as well as an award wining conference centre with two dedicated floors, designed to host conferences, weddings and functions.
Client Understanding
Having implemented Rocketseed one month previously, the marketing department, in conjunction with specialist Rocketseed consultant, Enhanced Web Management, decided to send a broadcast mail announcing their “Spring Special” running for September and October 2003.
To drive bookings during traditionally ‘slow’ periods of year, route traffic to the website, accurately track the performance of the campaign, and communicate new developments at the hotel and special offers.
Using a qualified existing client email list, a personalised ‘broadcast’ email was sent to multiple recipients including intermediaries and past/prospective clients. Results were monitored constantly and recipients that clicked on the insert received a follow up phone call a day later.
•150 room enquiries within one month
•Average click through rate for the Spring Special 18% (18 times typical direct marketing results)
“It is a strong branding tool. Rocketseed has in such a short time achieved all 5 of our objectives. We are delighted with its impact and realise its importance as a vital part of our marketing mix. This has been effective and created awareness & good response”